National multi-family leader opts for “something different” and selects ShowerLine linear drains for high-profile development
July 7, 2021
Using various high-end elements and fixtures for a new, 13-story condo development, HITT Contracting combines QuickDrain’s complete shower solution with TileIn drain covers in 160 bathrooms, achieving a clean, luxurious look with leak-free drainage.
WASHINGTON, DC — 950 South Capitol is located on the bustling Capitol Riverfront, one of the District’s fastest-growing areas. The new condo development delivers approximately 300 high-end condominiums above 191 below-grade parking spaces. A national leader in multifamily construction, HITT Contracting acted as the construction manager for the development, handling the excavation and construction of the 13-story multifamily building. HITT works with multi-dwelling unit property owners and real estate developers to build residential spaces that are beautiful and functional.
Assistant Project Manager William McQuade is a part of HITT’s multifamily division and handled logistics, such as creating jobsite reports, coordinating the project’s overall details, scheduling, paperwork, and assisting the CO as needed.
The HITT team has delivered some of the most iconic, high-rent-achieving multifamily developments in the DC Metropolitan area, and 950 South Capital is no exception. The bathrooms in each condo feature various luxurious, high-end elements and fixtures. The construction team wanted to add something different and aesthetically pleasing to the showers to achieve a luxury feel while also maintaining efficiencies from a logistical standpoint.

According to McQuade, the Developer had used QuickDrain’s linear drain and complete shower solution on previous projects, such as the 28k Street property in Washington, DC.
“The owner likes the product and has found success with not having to recess the slab and create tiled showers that the residents prefer,” he explains.
Working with a local manufacturer’s representative, The Joyce Agency, the 950 South Capitol project team used QuickDrain’s linear drain system along with TileIn drain covers in 160 of the building’s high-end bathrooms that feature walk-in showers. The HITT team installed bathtubs in the remaining bathrooms. The TileIn option is designed to accept an insert of the same tile or solid-surface material used in the shower to yield a drain that virtually “disappears” into the floor. The integrated PVC linear drain, ShowerLine, combined with pre-sloped, on-site adjustable PET shower panels and waterproofing accessories, delivers a total shower solution for promoting effective and efficient drainage. The linear drain features a fully sloped trough where the water exits through either a vertical or a side waste outlet. For the showers at 950 South Capitol, the water exits through a 2-inch vertical outlet.
HITT Assistant Superintendent Thornton Mitchell was responsible for managing day-to-day operations in the field. Mitchell ensured that the QuickDrain system was installed correctly and without any leaks.
“QuickDrain’s technicians came out and performed a full installation to support the crew, which was very helpful and necessary,” explains Mitchell.
As with most large projects, the turnover rate for the installation crew was high. As a result, QuickDrain offered multiple model-room trainings for the project team. The Joyce Agency was also involved in the training.
HITT’s Mitchell says he likes the transitions from the shower pan to the wall tile. “Honestly, the system couldn’t have worked out better,” he explains. “I didn’t have any issues with the shower doors being too tight or not closing properly. Having the confidence that, when all is said and done, there won’t be any leaks, is a big plus.”
Mitchell adds that he would recommend the product to other contractors like himself, because “it’s easy to install and it’s not messy, installation-wise.”
McQuade reports the 13-week installation went smoothly, overall. The plumbing contractor handled the drain, while the tile contractor installed QuickDrain’s on-site adjustable PET shower panels and performed the tiling, using a marble tile throughout.
From a logistical standpoint, McQuade was impressed with how quickly the shower system installed. “We were doing at least a floor a week,” he says. “The linear drain made for a beautiful, clean look, and the TileIn drain covers were a very nice feature.”